Time for New Jeans

I found myself in need of a new pair of jeans. Because of inflation, which is not my friend, a pair of Levi’s 550s now sells for $69.50. For one pair of jeans! Not fancy designer jeans. Basic Levi’s. That’s the price at the Levi’s store, or at Macy’s.

After shopping around, the best price I could find online was from Amazon, which sells Levi’s 550s for $49. Still a lot of money for one pair of basic jeans!

So I decided to try something different. Levi’s has a lower tier called “Signature by Levi Strauss”, which is sold at Walmart. I tried on a pair. And lo and behold, they fit comfortably, and the quality seemed decent. Price: $24. Sold!

I looked at the label, and the Signatures are made in Lesotho. I had never heard of Lesotho before, so I looked it up. It’s a lower middle income country in Southern Africa. I figured these are cheaper than regular Levi’s, which are made in USA. But I looked at three pairs of my older regular Levi’s 550s, and they were made in Mexico, Egypt, and, wait for it, Lesotho!